Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday Afternoon on the Farm

Were you ever intrigued by what it is like on a farm? Were you ever tempted by the wild, natural farming life style? If you were somebody like me, the answer would be "Yes! Many times!" I have always dreamed about living a rural life, especially after reading the Swiss novel "Heidi" at the age of 10. I was fascinated by the idea of sleeping on a hay stack, waking up to a mug of fresh goat's milk, and staying up chatting under a million stars in the sky. Today, my dream came true. Well, sort of. I finally got to work on a (not certified but better than) organic farm, for about three hours in the afternoon. 

After the recent discovery of the CitySeed Farmer's Market in Wooster Square, I followed up with the local farm on campus for volunteer opportunities. Luckily, today is their first day open to the public for a farm work day! The farm is located on top of the Science Hill, and I had to hike up there because I missed the first bus and the second one would be a 27-minute-wait...It was 93 degrees out, and by the time I arrived at the gate, I was already breathless.

Seeing the lovely tomatoes was definitely an energy boost!

It turned out that I was the first and volunteer today, and I was able to work with two interns on the farm. Our task of the day was to transplant a whole bed of lettuce, consisting of butter crunch, and red/green oak leaves.

We marked a little grid first.

I took over shortly after the demonstration -- it was not as tough as I thought. Then at each intersection, we dug a hole and bury the lettuce cube.

Repeat our hard work, and a couple hours later, we had this.

It was great fun! My fingernails got all dirty and I was sweating like crazy. My phone/camera also got covered by dirt. Yet the sense of accomplishment would make you forget about all the rest. In a month, we shall be able to harvest some tasty leafy greens!


  1. Wow, you have sort of realized the dream from ten years old? That's amazing!. Hope you can taste some of it in a month!

  2. and the red/green oak leaves look just fantastic!

  3. It reminds me of growing our own veges in Donghai!


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