Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Salmon Gravlax

I've been a pescetarian since February. I have been surprised by the limited seafood options we have here in New Haven (and in some parts of New York City). I found out that not all grocery stores carry tuna or scallops, simply because they have been so expensive and not enough people buy them. 

Luckily there is salmon -- there is always salmon. The problem is you can only roast/grill it in so many ways before you are tired of it. I was literally having salmon for every single dinner for a week straight, and finally enough was enough. 

Then I bought a 2lb bag of shrimp and some cod, and the story repeated itself -- I got tired of both very quickly. 

I was ready for salmon again. But not so quick. The re-entry should be special. It almost felt like a reunion -- salmon deserves a comeback with an air of grandeur. So I got some sockeye, and made this as an appetizer: Salmon Gravlax. But I went the rustic route, and made the slice big and grandeur in the literal sense. 

Salmon Gravlax
serves 6 
  • 1 lb sockeye salmon 
  • 4 Tbsp kosher salt
  • 4 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • 1 tsp freshly grated lemon zest
  • 1 tsp chopped fennel frond 
  • cilantro for garnish
  1. Combine salt, pepper, lemon zest and chopped cilantro. 
  2. Rub both sides of the fillet liberally with the curing mixture, and seal tight with plastic wrap. 
  3. Cure the fillet in the fridge overnight.
  4. Right before serving, rinse off the curing mixture. Slice and enjoy!

The longer the cure time the saltier it will taste. I gave it a good rinse and cut it thick and OMG it was like a super flavorful sashimi. Maybe I shouldn't call it a gravlax?

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