Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Elephant Ears from Scratch

I have failed miserably attempting to make a flaky croissant, so many times. The dough would always break. The temperature was never right, and the croissants were never flaky enough. Until recently, I followed this recipe from King Arthur, and my culinary confidence just got kicked up a notch! Puff pastry is such a versatile vessel, you can make croissants (duh), blooming brie, fruit tarts, and last but not the least, elephant ears!

Elephant Ears
  • puff pastry (equivalent of 1 sheet from the grocery store)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees
  2. Mix the sugar and cinnamon powder well
  3. Coat the table with enough sugar/cinnamon mix, roll out the puff pastry on top
  4. Sprinkle the rest of sugar/cinnamon on top of the puff pastry, roll from both sides towards the center
  5. Slice the roll into 1/4 inch slabs, lay them on their sides and refrigerate for 15 minutes
  6. Bake for 10 minutes, flipping once 
The two dozen or so elephant ears used up about a stick of butter and 2 cups of flour, about $1.5 total. I remember paying $1 each for a slightly larger version, so this is more than reasonable if you ask me!


  1. It shoud be comfy to have them with a winter afternoon tea!

    1. Or just as appetizers, or just to have it :P


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