Friday, August 30, 2013

Homemade Whole Wheat Tortilla Chips

Last night I had some friends over for dinner and board games while D was busy out there playing Dungeons & Dragons. As you may all already know, game night is never complete without some good guacamole and tortilla chips! In the past, we used to just pick up some ready-to-eat stuff from the grocery store, but after we have decided to live a bit healthier, I thought: why don't we just make our own? I will forgo the guacamole story, as it's pretty standard. Plus, avocado is so easy to turn dark, and my pictures did not came out pretty...

But chips were fun to make. Several days ago, I made a dozen small whole wheat tortillas for D's lunch (about 80 calories/tortilla). But I also made some whole wheat bread which was consumed first and the tortillas just ended up sitting at the back of our fridge.

So I broke one apart into several pieces (between 4 to 8), and put them on a plate.

If you put them into the microwave, after 1 minute, they will start sizzling like this:

If you dare to touch them (very hot!), you can use your hand to flip them. Or, you can use a fork or something. After another 30 seconds, they will become very crisp, and with a wonderful smell.

When I was looking up the direction online, most people suggest using paper towels. That was what I started with, but then two chips got stuck to the towel...sigh...I found the plate actually work much better, at least for me. At about 10 calories/chip, I suppose it is slightly lower than the ones from a bag, but being able to make sure of the low sodium content is a big big plus. Making tortillas only requires some whole wheat flour, olive oil and water, so even with the electricity cost, a whole bowl of chips cost less than 1.5 dollars. And they are sooooooooo delicious!


  1. that's very impressive that you can make it yourself at home! And color looks gorgeous! I wonder how you can cut whole wheat bread into such fine pieces!

  2. the chips are always popular as snacks ! And your chips are so healthy without any oil! I wish I could have a bite!


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